The Gift of Presence

The Gift of Presence

This is photo evidence of the one time that my son joined me on the bench during a game. It was the 10 Year Alumni Game this past February. As I look at it, I am reminded of the many lessons I have been learning and practicing myself this past water polo season as I continue to grow into a better leader, mother, and human. One of those challenging lessons is the practice of presence.

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Identity Crisis?

Identity Crisis?

There is a saying in the United States: “I wear a lot of different hats.” All this means is that “I do a lot of different things and have a variety of different responsibilities.” But aren’t we also told to wear a lot of different faces too? How are we supposed to navigate the different identities and responsibilities we have in this context? Do women and me both experience this? These are some of the questions I take on in today’s thoughts.

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