Human Training- a Coach and Mom Perspective

Human Training- a Coach and Mom Perspective

The other day the boys and I were driving home from “chalking” a friend’s house. With everyone “safer at home” these days, we can’t play with our friends, but we can show them some love. Anyway, one of my boys looks at me and out of nowhere says, “Mom, I know an option of what will make me whine less. If you just give me whatever I want, I would not need to whine anymore!”

“Interesting thought son” I said with a little chuckle “Well, if I give you EVERYTHING you want right now, you will basically be a horrible human later and probably won’t have any friends-- So I am willing to put up with some whining now so that way you are a good human later.”

And without hesitation, he responds ever so logically: “Well mom, I am just saying it IS an option.”

Who is this kid? I just have to laugh! “Yes, you’re right, it IS an option- but not one I am choosing.”

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Appreciating the Purpose and Shifting the Focus

Appreciating the Purpose and Shifting the Focus

I miss the women I coach today. We were just starting the main section of competition when college sports was shut down, Universities went to online platforms, and students went home. It all happened so fast. I love my job, and I am reminded yet again, just why I love it so much. As a coach, I get to see the daily process of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of people that impact their success of failure. Not only that, I get to help them define success, reframe difficulty, overcome challenges, and learn to thrive. I see the best and worst of my athletes, and they see the best and worst of me!

Sometimes I help people solve problems, and sometimes I “cause” problems- on purpose- but not in a malicious way. When I create obstacles, uphold standards, give test sets, and create competition I can see who is in a state to overcome and who is in a state to succumb…

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Identity Crisis?

Identity Crisis?

There is a saying in the United States: “I wear a lot of different hats.” All this means is that “I do a lot of different things and have a variety of different responsibilities.” But aren’t we also told to wear a lot of different faces too? How are we supposed to navigate the different identities and responsibilities we have in this context? Do women and me both experience this? These are some of the questions I take on in today’s thoughts.

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Truth Bombs

Truth Bombs

“The truth hurts” is a common phrase, and an accurate one too! But there are different types of “truth telling” and many different outcomes.

Sometimes we throw truth bombs at people, sometimes we drop them. But when we toss around truth like ammunition, we tend to endure a lot of shrapnel and  return fire. The next thing we know, there is a large distance between two enemy lines with huge holes in the earth, smoke rising, divided by a chasm of desolation

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Bold Humility

Bold Humility

I once read a book that asked, “what would you do if you were 10 times more bold?” My initial thought was, “Wow, I would get in a lot of trouble!” You see, I am pretty assertive, and assertive people (with two X chromosomes) sometimes get in trouble in this society. Sometimes assertive people (male and female) are seen to lack gentleness, tact, understanding, or empathy. But if you ask an assertive person they would say they are honest, direct, and highly value getting the best result in a timely fashion. Interesting how we see the same actions in a different light...hmmm.

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